About the time I should have been getting ready for bed I saw that the predicted fog had, indeed, rolled in. Insomniac that I am, I decided to hit the streets in hopes of snapping a good fog shot or two. I had the streets all to myself. I took 49 shots and didn't really get anything I'm proud of. I shot an old building with a tree growing out its window, the courthouse, and the main intersection in town. They were all crap. The cemetery isn't lit at all at night and neither was the football field, so those were out. I shot at the basketball courts and the following are from there. The tree and bench below, backlit by a huge sodium light, are the only ones I'm not too embarrassed to share, although they're all virtually the same shot. I think I like the first one and the last one best.
Overcoming Health Anxiety
6 days ago
I like it enough that I would highly consider purchasing a copy of the print for my office area.
You are way too kind!
Eventually I hope I can actually start buying prints of some of my pix to see how they look on real paper and see which ones might be worth trying to sell on Etsy. We'll see. I don't know if any of them will have high enough resolution to be enlarged into large enough sizes for framing, I hope that a few will be. One day!
I love the first and the last one, Genie! They are great. The bench is fantastic, and just makes it perfect. a WOW shot!
Jean, you know what bugs me most about these shots. It's that light on the right side between the tree trunks. I don't think I noticed it when I shot this. What do you think? Artistically speaking, does that light add to or detract from the photographs? I can't decide.
Genie, yes, I do find it distracting. but, you are a PhotographerInTraining! Not a ProfessionsalPhotographerMakingMoney, so I don't think it's a big issue. You got so much right!
Nice shots. Very solitary, contemplative feel to them. I like them.
Thanks Victoria!!!!!!!!!!!!! And thanks for stopping by!
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