Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Pinto Farm Mushrooms

With the rain comes all manner of growth and color. The Purple Sage is beautiful and hard to miss, but if you want to see some really wild color, you've got to get down on your hands and knees and crawl around the wettest, most shaded soil and you'll discover vibrant mushroom poking out of the humus.

I found these mushrooms under some old oaks from which hung the thorniest damned vines. It wasn't easy crawling around under those trees. The vines dragged the ground and had grown through the leaves and into the humus. I had to work for these shroom shots!

The Scissor Tail below was so pretty. We saw her as we were leaving the farm and it made me ache for a telephoto lens. Ah, well.

The Monarchs will be migrating through my area around the 10th to the 22nd of October. I can hardly wait! I know I said it in a recent blog but I'm saying it again, I hope we are closer to the "river" this year. Last year was pathetic.


Jean Levert Hood said...

These are awesome shots, Genie! Do you bring a blanket to lay on to get these shots?!

I've never shot a scissor tail so close up. They don't come around the house, and I never seem to have my camera when they're on the power lines and fences!

Genie said...

No, I didn't. I didn't even think about mushrooms until I saw them and we were out in a pasture and rather far away from the truck. Wes has been taking GPS readings to find out how much electrical fencing supplies he needs to purchase which means a lot of walking. I had walked as far as a shady tree and was waiting--and discovered the shrooms! Next time I'm taking a big piece of cardboard to the farm with me for shots like this. Those thorns were uncomfortable!

I'd get a heck of a lot of use out of a telephoto lens at the farm. I'm going to have to invest in one. There's so much awesome wildlife out there!